
The Aborigines are the first humans in Australia.
This a Video about a person who playes the Didgeridoo.

There are several aboriginal strains.
Pitjantjatjara is the biggest strain, they live in near the Uluru.
Arrernte is the secon biggest strain, they live around Alice Springs.
Luritja is the third biggest strain, they live between the Uluru and Alice Springs.
On this picture you can see the aborigines strains.

This Post is about the Aborigines Art.
The Art from the Aborgines is an old tradition.They paint on Stones like you can see here.

It`s paint with natrual matrial like ocker and others.This art is 10,000 years old .This old art are in Australia is very often to find where the Aborigins lifed before the white pepole came. The old mytstic of the Aborigines says that picutres like these were painted by Mimmhis who were their ancestors. 
The Ularu is a big mountain and it was really importent fot them.So they are not very happy when tourists walk on the Ularu.The Aborigines art is very importent for them because it is a part of their tradition. But they do not only paint, they also make statues for their gods. They paint a lot of animals they have seen because the nature is also really importent for them. They think they are on the same level like nature.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 This kangaroo was paint bye an Aborigine. You can see that the art is very difficult to make. It isn`t paint on stone like the first you saw. The Aborginies Art was not allways the same .

The beautiful old art of the Aborigines has 2 problems today :

Firstly the erosin.The old stones are beginning to break apart. The next Problem are destructive pepole who spray on this old beautiful paintings.

  Aborigines today 

       Here you see weher the most Aborigines live today .
                The most Aborigines live in the south of Australia in the big citys.
                       With the arrival of white settlers in 1788, the number of Aboriginal people declined from an estimated 300000-1 million inhabitants to 60,000 in 1920, mainly because of introduced diseases, but also by violent conflicts with the settlers for the rights on the land.
Here you can see wapons from the Aborigines
These wapons were to hunt animals like the Koala beer and kanguroos.The Bumarang was to kill animals which are very fast like the kanguroo because they was really fast and hard to hunt. The people on the left bottom of the picture use a spear with a lot of spearheads to kill fish in the water.That was a wapon you can find by Aborgins who life close to rivers. The people on the right bottom of the picture use a hook for fishing. The man in the middle is a spear fighter. It`s a long spear to kill from the distance - a really dangerous weapon. The man with the painted weapon was used to kill animals in close fights - it must be very strange to kill with that thing.

8 Kommentare:

  1. your site is very interessting. Your informations are great und good.
    There are beautiful pictures from the Aboriginals.
    from: laura otte

  2. I like this page because there are interesting informations about the Aboriginals and beautiful pictures
    from: Aileen Hoffmann

  3. I think this site is very good because there are a lot of information about the Aboriginals and many interesting pictures.
    from:Chantal Schipper

  4. I think its very interesting becouse it have lots of information. There are a lot off intersting pictures about aboriginals and the video is very good: Erdinc Kus

  5. I think you site is very good.
    There are a lot of interesting pictures and video.I like this site. Very good job (: (:


  6. this site is very good because ther are many pictures and the texts are very interesting. My friend said that this page was wonderful.

  7. A lot of mistakes, but nice information!:-)

  8. Sorry, but for my taste too many mistakes, nevertheless nice pictures.
