

Australia is the world's smallst continent, but the sixth-largest country in the world. It`s a country, an island and a continent with a total area of 7.686.000 square kilometers. Australia is slightly smaller than the 48 states of United States and 31.5 times larger than the United Kingdom. It has no land borders. Australia has the largest area of ocean of any country on the world. The nothernmost points of the country are the Cape York Peninsula of Queensland and the Top End of the Nothern Territory. The highest mountain of Australia is Mount Kosciuszko (2228 m) , wich is relativetly low in compansion to the highest mountains on other continents. Australia has no active volcans.

 The Great Barrier Reef

Here is a video about  the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is on of the world largest reef and it has over 2.900 individual reefs. 900 islands stretching for over 2.600 kilometres and over an area of about 344.400squarekilometres.TheGreat Barrier Reef is in the Coral Sea and off the coast of Queensland in the north of Australia.It´s the world´s biggest single structure made by living organismus.The Great Barrier Reef is a world heritage site in 1981.The Reef is one of the seven natural wonders of the world.The important point is that the Tourism is very important for the region.

There you can see the Great Barrier Reef from the air

It´s a picture about fishes in the Coral Sea

The Rainforest

More than half Australian`s remaring  Rainforest, in during Tropical and sup tropicalin Oueensland. The largest singel area of tropical rainforest, 7500 square kilometers in extent, occus between Cooktown and Townsville, in the west tropics of Queensland tropical heritage area. At last 700 different sorts of plants and 70 sorts of birds, mammals and frogs occur only in the worldtropics.

Regions of Australia

Eastern Highlands

Eastern Highlands, about 3.860 kilometres long, is the general name for the mountains and plateaus paralleling the eats and southeast coasts of Australia (including Tasmania) and forming the Continental Divide. The slopes are covered with eucalyptus forests. Rich in minerals, the highlands contain most of Australia; gold, copper, tin, oil and natural gas. The southern part of the region is a popular resort area.

South Australia Highlands

The South Australia Highlands is a region consists of 21 environmental associations. It enfolded the southern section of the uplands along the east coast of Eyre Peninsula, and the low hilly plains to the west.

Western Plateau

The Western Plateau is Australia´s largest drainage divison and is composed predominantly of the remains of the ancient rock shield of Gondwanaland. It covers two thirds of the continent; 2.700.000 square kilometres of dry land including large parts of Western Australia, South Australia, and the Northern Territory.