Koala Bear
The Koala Bear weights about 4-14 Kilo and is 61-85 CM long.They are only found in Australia. Koalas are eating Eukalyptus Leaves and nothing else. They are sleeping 18-21 hrs. a day. Koalas are getting 10-20 years old. They are often killed by fires in Australia.
Tasmanian Devil
The Tasmanian Devil is only found in Tasmania. When the Tasmanian Devil is getting angry, his ears are becoming red. It's called Devil because it's a very agressive Animal.The Tasmanian Devil is often eating roadkilled Animals.
Spiny Anteater
The Spiny Anteater is found in Australia,Tasmania and New Guinea. They are about 35-78 CM long and weights 2-7 KG. They are eating ants and termites. They can get 10 Years old.
The Green Tree Frog has become more and more popular over the year.
They are found in Queensland. The Frog lives in trees ore in rockys, but they need a little bit water for his buddy. They lie their eggs on the surface from the water
This exiding frog could be aggressive, but not verry dangerouse.
One Shark weights about 1,8 tons. They eat at least 100-150kg meat per day.
The Emu
Emu eggs are dark green and gave 800 grams.
The emu is one of the five flightless birds known as „ratites“. Their native country is Australia. Emu are the second largest bird in the world, the Ostrich being the first, followed by the Cassowaries, Rhea and Kiwi.
Australiens wild horses are known as brumbies.
The Brumbies are typical for Australia, because they run all over the field's, over the area. They are known in germany "Wildpferde" or easy "Pferde".
The kangaroo is possibly the most famous of our Australian animals.The kangaroos are well known in Australia.
-Australian crocodiles are famous all over the world. Australian saltwater crocodiles are responible for several fotal accidents in recent years. In all cases the accident wasthe result of wrong behaviour by the victim.
-The water crocodile is the largest of all living reptiles. It is found in suitable habitats in northern Australia. An adult crocodile is normaly 4.1 to 5.5 meters long.

The platypus
-The platypus is a very remarkable species and it is most evolutionary distinct mamal alive today. Platypus are endemic to Australia and they are widspread in the countries easten states. They ocupy a wide range of habitats and climates ,but they are despendent on river streams and bodies of fresh water.
-No other animal on earth looks quite like the platypus.

The Dolphins
-Dolphins are the mst common cetaceans in most of the world´s oceans.They are usually between 1.3 to 4 meters long.
-They are among the most active of cetacean at the surface, performing spetacular breaches, bobtails, bow rides and flipper slaps.

-Australian crocodiles are famous all over the world. Australian saltwater crocodiles are responible for several fotal accidents in recent years. In all cases the accident wasthe result of wrong behaviour by the victim.
-The water crocodile is the largest of all living reptiles. It is found in suitable habitats in northern Australia. An adult crocodile is normaly 4.1 to 5.5 meters long.
The platypus
-The platypus is a very remarkable species and it is most evolutionary distinct mamal alive today. Platypus are endemic to Australia and they are widspread in the countries easten states. They ocupy a wide range of habitats and climates ,but they are despendent on river streams and bodies of fresh water.
-No other animal on earth looks quite like the platypus.
The Dolphins
-Dolphins are the mst common cetaceans in most of the world´s oceans.They are usually between 1.3 to 4 meters long.
-They are among the most active of cetacean at the surface, performing spetacular breaches, bobtails, bow rides and flipper slaps.